Thursday, April 2, 2009

Beleive God is there just for you...because he is!

How many times have we said aloud ,whether talking to ourselves , or perhaps considering someone else actions or in-action, "I cant do this or that", "I am afraid", 'I dont have this kind of strength' ,I dont know how" , 'I am not able to do" , "its not worth it', "I cant forgive myself", " I cant manage or handle this"?
Sound familiar? Even the strongest of faith can sometimes forget why they were created, (John 1). So here are some scriptures to read and even memorize for application in everyday life. God says 'we can' and even goes further, to tell us he has given us in measure enough to get started on , as our faith continues to grow . I have seen this comparison made on 'Christian' sites before, however ,I choose to present it in just plain text format so that the truth of the matter can be the focus. I know we all know people or have seen people that sometimes do the pick and choose thing when it comes to faith , and even more importantly in what they want to remember and apply from scripturual teaching. We are told in Isaiah that Gods' word will not return to him void. It will accomplish that which He wants it to accomplish. God has given everything we need. Everything. Yet we find ourselves sometimes looking to the fleeting materialism and ideals of this world for things God has already provided a way for. A way to accomplish His will for our lives,and deal with all that comes along.

"Its impossible"-------all things are possible (LUKE 18:27)
"I'm too tired"--------I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
"Nobody really loves me"--------I love you ( John 3:16 ,3:34 )
"I can't go on" -----My Grace is sufficient! (2nd Corinthians 12:9 ,Psalms 91:15 )
"I cant figure things out"-------I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5,6)
"I cant do it"----you can do all things (Phillipians 4:13)
"I'm not able -----I am able ( 2nd Corinthians 9:8)
"Its not worth it "------it will be worth it! ( Romans 8:28 )
" I can't forgive myself "------I forgive you! ( 1st John 1:9 , Romans 8:1)
"I can't manage "-------I will supply all your needs ( Phillipians 4:19)
"I am afraid" -------I have not given you a Spirit of fear ( 2nd Timothy 1:7)
" I am worried and frustrated"-----cast all your cares on me (1st Peter 5:7 )
" I dont have enough faith" --------I have given everyone a measure of faith ( Romans 12:3 )
" I am not smart enough" ------I give you wisdom ( 1st Corinthians 1:30)
" I feel all alone" ---------- I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)

Which brings me to one of my many favorites in scripture:

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you" , says the Lord . "They are plans for good and not distaster ,for a future and a hope".

As anyone can see , not an empty promise, but a statement of fact. And as we study and grow in our walk with Christ and understanding His will for our lives, these scriptures, the Living Word, bring light to this fact.

Thank you Lord for Paving the way to make it in this life so we can spend the next one by your side!


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